Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Experience, Experience, Experience

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”  Eleanor Roosevelt

Some of my family members have urged me to update my blog more (cough, Mom) so I decided to sit down and write a new post before I leave for Prague and Dresden for the weekend. The weather is so nice here anyways; I am typing this from the park trying to get a tan. Classes are going well and I am slowly getting into a daily routine, so for this blog I decided to type some observations and experiences I have encountered. I have only been here for a mere 14 days but it seems longer.

Random Thoughts:
1)    Dogs are EVERYWHERE. This is not an exaggeration. I have seen dogs in cafes, dogs on the trams, and of course people walking dogs. There must be some unwritten rule stating that everyone must own a dog. It makes me very jealous because I want to get a puppy too!
2)    People here are not nice. At restaurants people aren’t working for tips so they can be rude and they do. The motto here must be the customer is an annoyance. Many people warned us about that but being the naïve Nebraskan I am I believed they were just being negative. Nope. It is completely true. Living in Kearney for two years made me always smile at people on the streets but if you do that here people give you weird looks, trust me on that one.
3)    Take advantage of free water and refills at restaurants. In Europe they do not do that. You have to pay for water and they give you a very small amount, so you must ration it out throughout your meal. If you are actually thirsty, good luck.
4)    Beer is also everywhere. At every single restaurant, café, library, vending machines, and McDonalds. It is cheap and pretty yummy!
5)    Not being understood gets frustrating fast, but can be slightly amusing. I have got my fair share of random meals because I will order one thing and get something different. I was exchanging money today and I was trying to get Euros but the lady had no idea what I was saying. So, I ended up with extra Czech money after completely confusing her.
6)    Fashion wise, anything goes. Except for shorts apparently. Feel like wearing a bright blue shirt, orange pants, and a yellow/green hat? Go ahead! People here wear anything they want, anywhere they want. However, shorts are some kind of crime. I feel like I am back in the olden days when ankles were provocative. It was 75 and I wore shorts and I received quite a few dirty looks and double takes. Good stuff.
7)    The houses here are every different color, blue, green, yellow, and pink! I have seen buildings with huge circles on it and different decorations. It is so interesting and fun to look at.

Well, there are plenty of more things I have encountered and learned but I am done for now! If you read this whole thing, thanks! I am sure I will have plenty to say after my weekend away. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah,
    Love your blog and glad you are updating it with more of your experiences. It is fun to navigate your way through other countries, and while a challenge, it will give you countless memories and new way of looking at life when you get back to Nebraska. Did you have a McBeer and McD? I remember going to the McD in Prague just for the ice cream! If you get a chance next time you are in Prague, check out the Communist Museum. It is in Old Town and curiously, next to a McDonald's! Safe travels. Bruce
